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2014 China Feed Industry Exhibition

The 2014 China Feed Industry Exhibition and the Livestock Science and Technology Achievement Promotion Conference (hereinafter referred to as the exhibition) will be held in Shenyang International Exhibition Center in mid-April 2014.

On April 19, 2014, the company's general manager, domestic sales manager and deputy manager went to Shenyang to participate in the "2014 China Feed Industry Exhibition".

During the exhibition, many new and old customers were received. At the exhibition, the current status of the feed industry and some problems in the production of zinc sulfate were exchanged with customers.

On the 20th, the exhibition ended successfully.

Telephone of Domestic Sales Department:
+86-734-8123488, 8833388-606
Telephone of Foreign Trade Department:
+86-734-8812599, 8855599-611
Fax: +86-734-8124488 Email: lps@vip.163.com
Address: Floor 19, Jinzhao Building, Zhengxiang District, Hengyang City, Hunan Province, China
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